In the last few months The New York Times has reported on company towns and their demise. In particular, they called out Rouses Point, NY where Wyeth Pharmaceuticals was pulling out and leaving behind 1,250 jobs (of the population of 2.350). Another is Scotia, California where the logging company, Pacific Lumber Company, is abandoning their ownership of the town after 140 years.
We ask the question, “why?”
We are in a time where we fret over the loss of manufacturing and information technology jobs to overseas and many times now to overseas companies, who our corporations now just pay for the labor. Why are we not seeing the beginning of a new trend where states and local governments are not working hard to keep those jobs here and expand even further our skill and talent base?
We do see examples of where it is happening such as in Indiana, which we detailed last week. We also see it in North Dakota, where as Wired reported in their February issue, the Center for Nanoscale Science and Engineering had been created in Fargo. The NDSU’s ResearchPark founder states that the talent among the farming and machinist communities lends itself to the creation and design of new machinery. Add the self-proclaimed strong work Midwest work ethic and NDSU thinks they have a winning combination. The state government is stepping up with a quarter of a billion dollars in funding to promote the creation and research in radio frequency identification technology. The funding and focus is working as Alien Technologies (a silicon valley tech company) is building a plant in Fargo with the commensurate amount of hiring to make North Dakota the global capital of RFID manufacturing. That’s a great story. Talent, plus the funding by corporations to create a new footing for a local economy.
Now what if North Dakota went one step further (further than the incentives that most states see, like Indiana) and created a set of Talent incentives or “Talent Credits” around the state RFID manufacturing initiatives. We will follow the taxonomy of government and introduce our own program acronyms.
· TRI – Talent Relocation Incentive – all existing residents and new talent who come to North Dakota to work in the RFID sector would pay no incomes taxes for the first three years of their employment. Nor would the company be required to match any of those income taxes for payroll tax purposes.
· THIRST – Talent Housing Incentives, Reductions, Stipends and Tax reductions – All employees within the RFID sector would receive a reduction of a third of their real estate taxes on owned properties for the first five years of their employment. Companies and Talent together would have great incentives to bring new talent and businesses to the state. What a recruiting tool.
· TED – Talent Education Degrees – Any state resident who takes a state certified course for the training of RFID technology would be able to do this at state funded institutions with a 50% fee and book reduction.
Let’s go one step further and see what this could mean to Talent and to the Companies who recruit that Talent.
Let’s say that the employee was moving to North Dakota and was going to be an engineer who would make $85,000 and would be buying a $300,000 house.
Here is the math:
Base Salary: $85,000
State Income Tax – 7% ($5958)
Real Estate Taxes
(on a $300K home) @ 1% ($3000)
Net Income after State Taxes = $76,042
After Talent Credits:
Base Salary: $85,000
State Income Tax – 0%
Real Estate Taxes
(on a $300K home) @ .033% ($1000)
Net Income after State Taxes = $84,000
That’s a $7952 positive difference or out another way – a 9.3% income differential to the positive that the employee would receive by making the move or changing employers.
That’s a heck of a recruiting tool for the best Talent.
So, why aren’t states thinking this way? Honestly, we don’t know other than once a good idea gets going in government, there are plenty of special interest reasons why it just shouldn’t work or happen.
We are calling on those who can make this difference, to just give it a try.
If more incentive is needed – we have taken our own shot at the obvious that each state could do to differentiate themselves and get going. And imagine what strength we would have if we got this level of focus on very important issues at hand.
Alabama –
Alaska – Clean and green oil exploration and refinemen
Arizona –
Arkansas –
California – Stem Cell Research
Colorado –
Connecticut –
Delaware –
Florida – Oceanic Food
Georgia –
Hawaii – Tidal Power systems
Idaho –
Illinois –
Indiana – Efficient Manufacturing and Production
Iowa –
Kansas – Energy from the wind
Kentucky –
Louisiana –
Maine –
Maryland –
Massachusetts – Nanotechnology
Michigan – Clean and Green Transportation Systems
Minnesota –
Mississippi –
Montana –
Nevada –
New Jersey –
New Mexico – Solar Energy
North Carolina –
North Dakota – Radio Frequency ID Tags
Ohio –
Oregon –
Pennsylvania –
Rhode Island –
South Carolina –
South Dakota –
Tennessee – Hydropower next generation
Texas – Energy, Alt Energy, Agriculture
Utah –
Vermont –
Washington –
West Virginia – Clean uses of Coal
Wisconsin – Dairy efficiency
We hope you have your own ideas as well and we start to see Free Talent Zones emerge and the beginning of the next generation of Talent Towns!